Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick


I don't know who Annabel is/was, but clearly she will not be forgotten. This is only one of the fabulous bits of artwork from the non-pissy Grapes Hill underpass that I cycle through on a daily basis, that are usually updated every couple of weeks. Follow the link to see some great christmas pieces.

Last day at work until 3rd January. Lovely lunch with colleagues, felt very appreciated by my employers, then on to Julian's wake at Take5 which was just lovely. At 5pm one of his family called relatives in the US, put their mobile on speaker, so friends and family in the UK and the US were all able to toast him. Technology, eh?

Home now, feeling wiped out but very relaxed - I think it may be the power of Solstice kicking in.

Today is the shortest day, tonight the longest night. And we move toward the light. Right here, right now, in this moment all is well.

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