Buffs Rule!

I took part in Scotland The World Over!

As Tony left the kitchen he gave me that look.. you know the one, when you're just about to do something embarrassing such as take a photo of yourself in the kitchen in your Scottish buff. Well I've done worse today, I spent most of the afternoon sweltering in a Father Christmas suit waiting for the staff to arrive for Secret Santa. I admit to enjoying walking down the corridor during last lesson. A door was open to one classroom and a small girl was turning backwards to speak to a friend as I walked by with my sack. I haven't yet admitted to the teacher that I was responsible for the ensuing chaos and that the small girl's explanation that Father Christmas has just walked past the door was in fact the truth.

Anyway this is one of my collection of buffs. They are amazing bits of cloth which go under my cycle helmet at this time of year, round my neck most of the time and, when it's very cold at orienteering events....like this. A week long orienteering event is held every two years in a different part of Scotland and buffs have become part of the souvenir merchandise, this is one of my favourites from Speyside.

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