Photos of things I see

By Aboak

The Sinister HQ of the Parking 'Meanies'

Across a crocodile infested moat lies the infamous headquarters of the 'Meanies' - Edinburgh's brigade of parking enforcers whose zeal for issuing penalty notices is legendary.

Almost every car owner in this city has had an encounter with The Meanies at some point.

Some are never seen again. The lucky ones remain so traumatised by the financial impact of their parking faux-pas that they will never park on a yellow line again.

The boat you see is the pleasure craft for the Meanie hierarchy - the politburo. It is said to be armed with state of the art laser weapons, funded by the receipt of billions of pounds of fines which are collected each year.

Do not let this unassuming building or the slightly shabby appearance of a Meanie lull you into a false sense of security as you park your car.

They will get you one day. Oh yes, they will...

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