Do They Know It's Christmas?

And lo, the siege mentality descended today upon this fair city, the Athens of the North, and did not the hordes descend at daybreak like locusts upon that saintly shop of world renown to which his Lordship and I were wont to gather this morning to buy our nut roast and turkey breast, being as it is that one amongst our number is a vegetarian and the other feels that at Christmas time the sacrifice of a turkey is desirable and almost acceptable.

The throng of people crowded the aisles with barrows filled to overflowing with festive delicacies, lest they starve during the holiday period; and did not the tills ring merrily for the joy of profit and consumerism.
And did not little old ladies come in to their own with sharp elbows and lethal trolleys.
'Twas ever thus.

And were not his Lordship and this little old lady full glad to escape the melee for a restorative and celebratory coffee and cake, before returning to their own land with enough food for a month.

Another drinks party awaits tonight; a getting to know the neighbours with a glass of wine and a cocktail sausage to hand. So civilised.

Do these fish in the livery of the flat pack shop, know it's Christmas?

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