
By JohnD

The Old No 2528 Stops for Water

Not quite an emergency blip but getting close.
What a grey day! Not much to be jolly about weather-wise but we have had another busy day. We took Ali & Euan up to Stirling this morning as Ali had a dental appointment. By Jove, the Thistle Centre was busy!
After lunch we trotted down the wood with she of the four paws and whiskers. We took some big black bags with us as we noticed that the rubbish level was building up. Three full bags later, we called a halt and alerted the local authorities to come and pick them up. R0na was absolutely filthy and again needed two paw-washes!
As a result, the camera stayed warm & dry on my belt until late afternoon. I messed about experimented with the settings (flash strength, colour mode, white balance, etc) and was happy with this. I think it looks as if it might have been taken sometime in the 1930s when steam power was approaching the peak of its power and development.

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