Life through the lens...

By ValC

Trail Riders in the Sky

Sometimes the first photo of the day ends up being the best.

This was taken just after the sun came up.
I loved the patterns of the aeroplane trials and clouds in the blue sky.
We don't usually get so many planes over head .Must be extra ones put on for Christmas. They were so high up you could hardly see them.

After an horrendous journey through Bradford this morning due to an accident which closed a main road.. The town seemed gridlocked.
( Hope no one was badly injured )
We arrived at Skipton Golf Club for our walking club Christmas lunch 3/4 hour late. They were fortunately just half way through the first course.
A glass of wine and we soon forgot about the journey getting there!
We had a very good meal and it was nice to meet some of the older members who can't go on the walks any more, but still come to the social events.

The club has been going for 80 years, but we only joined this April.
They are such a friendly crowd. It has been a pleasure to be a member and joining the club was one of the best things we have done this year.( Nice to be one of the younger members!!)

The journey home was a bit better.Took a different route. The traffic was still very busy.
Now having a nice cup of tea and mince pie before we are out again this evening.
No driving this time as the party is next door!!
(should be able to walk home....just!)

I expect some of you have also been caught up in the traffic.
Hope you all got home safely.
Enjoy the evening!

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