This was the cloud visitation as I approached the apparently simply food shop at lunch time. I stopped and blipped. That maybe was my mistake. A minute late and I was enveloped by frantic shoppers as I entered the store. I knew where I needed to be, the salad aisle, a packet of beetroot my goal. Bugger, the shelf was empty. Stupidly, not thinking of my escape route I picked up a bag of lettuce leaves, rocket and so forth, and half a crusty stick (or in posh, a baguette) and aimed for the shortest, least chatty checkout (small town = plenty of chat). I was punished for my strategy. The young woman behind me had only a few items but then declared she had forgotten what she had come in for .... stuffing! I suggested she leave young whatshisname there in his pushchair and I would watch him while she got her stuffing. She eyed me up to decide whether I was a child abductor or not; I presume I looked far too weary. I am.

Tomorrow then I go back in search of beetroot. If only I wasn't addicted to the stuff. Boxing Day dinner: cold turkey chicken, ham, salad, pickles, beetroot, mashed potato and Pease Pudding. Best meal of Christmas (according to me), especially the Pease Pudding; my Geordie roots!

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