I spy with my little eye

By roaminaround

Hooray! Holidays are here!

Everyone is off now!
"I" was going to come home after lunch but hung on for a wee while. "E" shot out of school at half two and "D" wandered in about 5 after farewell drinks in the pub!
Me, ......well Ive just spent all day chasing my tail and running about like a blue arsed bottomed fly! But hey we're a wee bit closer to getting there now. Time is quickly getting away from me and we are at AM's funeral on Christmas eve so I want everything organised by tomorrow.
Madness is now hitting the shops, Sainsbury's was full of manic women with zombified men trailing after them with shopping trolleys, getting in everyone's way.
I wrapped loads of pressies tonight but still have some to do, but I ran out of steam. I'll pick up the slack tomorrow.
Right a cold drink required and then bed .....I'm tired.

My snow globe was a lastminuteblip.com tonight!

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