Never mind the quality...

...feel the width.

Sorry about the quality, it was a rapid shot, through the windscreen, at trafic lights.

I had to give The Gaffer the slip this a.m., for a pre-planned dash and snatch from Chez Clicky plus a spot of recycling and the odd little job here and there.

I rolled into Crown Square just in time to see a car pulling out of a slot, leaving it open for me. Somebody up there must like me. I set the disk and shot into the Clickery, announced my intentions of picking ''it'' up after a quick trip to the post office: so by the time I got back ''it'' was downstairs and waiting.

Post haste unto the recyclery, where en route I had to pass through this set of lights. This is the view I saw as I rolled up to the red light. ''NO! They wouldn't be so DAFT?''. Oh yes they bloody well would, I had to grease my sides and sidle through that gap to proceed; or wait for them to move and hope the lights would still be green.

You may have heard variations on the theme ''Which animal is said to have been designed by a committee?''

''Apparently, there are several: The Gnu has been remarked upon as an animal most likely built by committee, and it's an old free-software joke.
One maxim is that a camel is a horse designed by committee; this has been attributed to Vogue magazine, July 1958 and also to Sir Alec Issigonis.

Well if Penrith's new one-way system wasn't designed by a drunken committee which didn't even have a common language I'll eat hay with a horse.

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