Cameron's edited life

By cameronmcvean

Girl on a suitcase

Today I had to pop through to the wild west to collect my mother.

This is a new bronze that's just been installed at the Pierhead in Gourock. It's called 'Girl on a suitcase' and is testimony to the millions of holidaymakers and day-trippers that would have sat like that on Gourock pier, waiting for their ferry to take them 'Doon the Water; to Rothesay, Dunoon, Saltcoats or Largs. They would have arrived in Gourock by train from Glasgow, perhaps driven by my grandfather.

This was in the days before package holidays to Magaluf you understand.

The bronze was sculpted by an artist in Innerleithen, who had won a competition for the funding. I'm glad to say my mother voted in favour of this one. I think it's great, and one of the locals has already donated a woolly scarf to keep her warm.

I wish all my fellow Blippers a restful 24th, and remember: Santa only comes to those who believe...

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