Life is there for living.

By Jumumford

My 41st birthday....

I was woken up at 3am to the sound of paper and cellotape! Matt had just got in and was wrapping my birthday presents.

So, what did I get for my birthday this year?

1. A new Kindle (which I really wanted). from Matt.

2. An oven glove... Oops no, it was a kindle cover! Lol

3. An app voucher from my mum. That will keep me going for a long time!!

4. A GREEN car air freshner from my mum, which is now in my car and looks great.

5. A Blacks Leisure / Millets voucher from my bro. (what camping gadgets can I get with that?? I will enjoy spending it. Cheers Bro

6. My bestie popped over and she has got us tickets to see Mama Mia on stage in London in Feb. also staying overnight in London! Dead chuffed with that! Thanks Ju.

7. A visit from my mate Daz S and Nicki which was lovely.

8. Laura came over and now the house is spotless, Santa will be pleased!!

9. Endless birthday messages on Facebook, which was lovely.

So, I'm sitting here watching You've Been Framed at Christmas, with a glass of mulled wine (1st alcohol in 4 months!), roaring fire and life is pretty good.

I'm not thinking about all the presents that I still have to wrap when Rachel has gone to bed!!

Picture: a card from Claire & Jason in Yorkshire. (funny!).

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