Thy Acrid Teardrop

By RadicalRadish

Someone Else's Christmas

Being unwell at any time of year is difficult but at times when the social expectation is to be upbeat and positive the pressure can often get a little too much to bear. I have found that my own birthday is ok but at events such as a wedding, a family get-together or similar party atmosphere occasions it can be very difficult to maintain the smile. Of course close friends understand my tiredness and are always brilliant at ensuring I can rest and have time out if needed. I think the internal pressure, that which I put on myself, is the big thing to try and beat.

This photo is of a hedge I saw earlier, it was raining and my camera battery was flashing red. It seemed sort of apt that it is a little bit blurry and was the only image I got before the battery completely died. It is, of course, someone else's Christmas but they have chosen to take it out of their home and into their garden. Often, when I walk past houses at this time of year, I look at the windows lit up with lights or with a Christmas tree standing tall and I wonder what might be going on behind the lights. Are they happy? Are they well? Do they have children? Are they alone?

In the past the campaign against domestic violence had the tagline; "no-one knows what goes on behind closed doors" and nothing has ever been more true. At this time of year, keep a thought for people who hide the reality of their situations behind closed doors. You just never know what someone might be going through.

I hope you have a very safe, relaxing and peaceful time this weekend, wherever you are and whatever you do.

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