
By Nigel

It's Beginning to Look..

...a lot like xmas.

Presents wrapped, shopping done with extreme ease as town today was probably the emptiest I hace seen it on a Saturday in a long time, if ever. Apart from the veg stall at the farmer's market, that was heaving!

I also ended up making two stocks for use over the next couple of days but to be honest it was just to keep busy till Jen came home.

And no Skyrim today, a good sign that I am able to spend a whole day and not play it. Though I was just about to switch the xbox on but Jen came through the door and saved me form myself.

Almost forgot, but we watched 'The Art of Flight' as well, which was such a stunningly beautiful film featuring some of the world's most picturesque snowy scenery but with the added bonus of guys riding the mountain like it was a level from SSX!

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