East Coasting

By OzBeachcomber

Rescue at Sea

Well Christmas Day started off very nicely with breakfast (ham,eggs and champagne) and then we packed the boat and headed up the river and spent the day on one of the beaches on the other side of the river and near the river mouth. It was a beautiful spot and we had great weather. Lunch was a bbq on the beach with plenty of liquid refreshments and goodies.
By about 3.30pm we decided to pack up and head for home and not long after encountered this yacht with 9 people on board some of whom were waving to us. I thought they were just being friendly and waved back however our skipper (husband) said "no - I think they are stuck"! We motored over a bit closer and, sure enough, they were stuck fast on a sandbank and were facing a long wait for the tide to come in before they could get off.
Well we ended up offering to try and pull them off with our much smaller boat so they threw us a rope and with much manoeuvring my husband and son managed to get them off - they were very happy (see photo in Blipfolio - and it's better in large)See rescued boaties here
We finally got home, unpacked, cleaned up, had cocktails,opened presents and much later had dinner so quite an eventful Christmas Day.

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