Doing Things Differently

By PhilWWalton

What Christmas Means to Us - Part 2

Family :

Look closely at this picture. In the bottom left hand corner you will see a time. And a date. No, this has not been faked or Photoshopped. This really was taken at 12:35 am, Christmas Day morning.

Rebecca and I weren't searching for Santa. NORAD had already told us exactly where he was. No, we were hurtling down the M1 to Wakefield. This year Ben had to work nights on the 23rd/24th and the 24th/25th. With no public transport, it's Mum and Dad to the rescue. But we have enjoyed his company, so it's no hardship really.

He also has to work mids on the 25th and 26th. So this year Christmas has been elongated. As usual, Ben is staying the week. Last night, after collecting him, we toasted Christmas and went to bed at 2-ish. Presents were opened this morning and then Rebecca made a most excellent brunch. Jenny, Ben's girl friend, will come to stay on the 27th, which will be our "proper" Christmas Day.

Family - another important ingredient. And a great excuse to prolong the festivities.

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