Brand New Day

By brandnewday

Family affair.

- Backblip -

I woke up at 5.30am this morning, went back to sleep but woke up again at 6.40am. Tried in vain to get more sleep but it wasn't happening, so finally got up at 7.15. Had my breakfast, watched some bad tv and waited for the folks to wake up.

Kept getting text messages from various family members thanking me for their presents, and I kept responding by saying I'm still waiting for the folks to get up so that we can open ours. More than once I got a text back saying "go wake them up!" Couldn't do that to them, and they finally got up just before 9.

Santa, as usual, was very good to us all.

After breakfast and a lot of relaxing, we then headed to one of my sister's where we were going to spend the day. We don't do a lot on Christmas day, just eat, relax, talk and have a few drinks but we always have a great day. There were 4 generations of us this year, and after my great-nephew had a 40 minute catnap when he arrived, he then entertained us for most of the day.

I wasn't allowed to blip any of my web shy family, so I had to make do with this.

I hope you all had a great Christmas Day.

Family Affair - Sly And The Family Stone.

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