I need go beach

2years 66days

Katie slept through last night. Through a lively family party, through being put into our car and then through being put in bed here! She woke about 7am too, having not gone to bed til 8, which is really late for her.

Mummy popped out to get to Debenhams sale before the madness, so Katie had breakfast with G & Gdad and was playing away when I got back. We then all got wrapped up and headed to the beach. We had a nice walk together, did drawing on the sand, played ball, and then walked along to watch Scarborough's traditional firemen v fishermen charity beach football match. She loved the walking jazz band that played and pottered round. She did lots of playing on the sand and sat got intaking in all the crowds, the game, the atmosphere.

We then went to get a drink during which she fell asleep. She had a snuggle with Gdad and stayed asleep a little longer, snuggled back in my arms. We went to watch the end of the Raft Race in the harbour before we walked up into town. We had one shop to go to then drove round to the other beach. We went to a very nice water side cafe that did yummy all day breakfasts. It was beginning to get a bit dark by then and Katie said she wanted to come back and play. She's having a really good play doing lets pretend with her babies and friends. Quite adorable!


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