
By EgyptUnveiled

Cawfeer (Coiffeur)

I over indulged last night after having met a wonderful man in one of our favorite haunts, The Fayrouz Hotel.
An Irishman called Patrick, would you believe, who is completely obsessed by Pyramids!
The conversation was so interesting and lighthearted, we sat....and we sat......and we sat by the fire chatting.

Living in Cairo for over 20 years, he regularly pops down to Luxor and spends all his life, researching, visiting and following leads of new information or discoveries. All WITHOUT a computer!

So feeling a little dazed after my late night, I popped out for a liver (Kibda) and tahina sandwich from a street vendor by the Police Checkpoint. As I stood and waited for my sandwich, I noticed a sign above a Coiffeur - 'Cawfeer' It made me smile as spelling mistakes are common here, but to be fair, the people spell in English as they hear it, so it does actually read correctly!

I wandered over and there through a tiny doorway, was a young lad cutting a guys hair. It was so 'Busy' it caught my eye. The reflection from the mirror, making it even busier! Colours, music, chatting, laughter....proving that men enjoy going to the hairdressers as much as women AND they are happy to sit and have a face mask and steam as part of the service :-)

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