Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Action Shot!

Well, today started pretty late. I opened my eyes for the first time this morning at 10.15! Crumbs!

After a smallish pancake breakfast, we set off to my Uncle's house in the midlands where we'd arranged to meet my family for a boxing day lunch at a local pub.

It was SO much warmer than last year, and we set off in just t-shirts and jumpers - we didn't even need coats! We did, however, wonder whether we'd get there, since we'd forgotten to get petrol and were well into the red bit by the time we found an open petrol station!

When we arrived they were "doing presents" and we were thrown into one of those Christmas situations. We gave out our few pressies and were given a few goodies and a bit of Christmas spending money, which was very nice.

Then we drove in convoy for about half an hour and arrived at a carvery, apparently in the middle of nowhere.

Lunch was surprisingly delicious. I had a prawn cocktail starter, a roast beef dinner, and treacle sponge and custard for afters. Very nice. I took this picture, unposed, during starters. From left, going round the table you see my brother (playing on his blackberry), his wife (watching), my stepmother (obscured by waiter's arm), my aunt (watching the waiter), my dad (blowing his nose), my uncle (getting his soup), my mum (starting her bread), and the Wonderspouse (buttering his toast).

Afterwards the Wonderspouse and I drove home. We fed the cats some turkey that my sister-in-law had left and my mum had told us to take home for the cats. I went upstairs and talked to the rats and topped up their food, and now we're downstairs, relaxing in front of the telly.

Don't think we'll need much supper. Maybe just a glass of wine and a snack later on.

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