Trial and Error

By DawnC

The Rival

We spent today with my father- and stepmother-in-law and had a lovely time eating, drinking and playing games. This is gorgeous Minnie, my in-laws' new (to them) dog. She's a rescue dog who was originally kept for breeding and then put on 'Death Row' once she was no longer required. I think this organisation does a wonderful job.

I was wondering what Basil and Polly would make of the new dog on the block. As it turned out, they got on just fine with just a couple of minor altercations: one when Basil tried to get amorous with Minnie, and the other when Polly wanted to sleep on Minnie's bed (pictured). In both instances, Minnie put them straight and they accepted it and that was it. If only humans could be that straightforward...

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