in His image

By freddy

Path of darkness

Pioneer Square, Seattle, WA

This is a dark, ominous looking alleyway. Sunlight cannot penetrate much into it because the tall buildings next to it are shading it. This is an appropriate picture to illustrate a point. Darkness is the absence of light. People have the tendency to like being in darkness because it hides their imperfections. I think that's why a lot of people do not want to know God, or rather, be known by God. In the Bible, whenever people encounter God in some form, they tremble in fear because they know that he is perfect, holy and just. We are imperfect, unholy and evil. God hates us and our sin. The punishment for it is eternal death. But God is also love. That is why he sent Jesus Christ. By sending his son, it completes the awesome picture of who God is: holy, just, and wrathful, but also loving, graceful, and merciful. Jesus Christ, endured the wrath of God and died in place of us. He took the punishment that we deserved. The Bible also tells us that Jesus also conquered death. By conquering death, he proved that he is God and has the power to defeat sin. If we place our faith in him and surrender our lives of living in darkness, we will be saved and have eternal life.

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