Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Its still Christmas

I have been amazed by the amount of people that are reporting that they have already taken their decorations down - thats it Christmas is done and dusted.

Well I guess thats what happens when you have put the decorations up at the beginning of December (or even worse November)

Christmas is NOT over has nobody heard of the 12 Day of Christmas? Christmas Day being number one.

Its a celebration, a feast, a festival.

Christmas is about being with family not who got the most expensive, biggest, most presents. Or even worse the sales that now start on Christmas Day.

I was brought up a Christian so Christmas - the Mass of Christ.
But then I was also taught the older meanings of some of the Christmas traditions that we follow - I now follow a different path and technically I celebrate Yule (Winter Solstice) but out of all the celebrations that are crossed a mix between the new and old, Christmas is the one that holds more of the old so like many I mark the turning of the wheel in my own way and then the feasting is held over for the 25th.

So I guess you should really ask yourselves - what are you celebrating?
Really think about it and if its not the birth of Christ, the turning of the wheel or even family - should you really put those decorations up in the first the place!

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