shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

Up the hill

Almost no wind today, which meant I headed up the hill rather than along the shore. Walking the dog along the road three days in a row is unfair anyway! Did some nice long exposure water and some big landscapes, but rather like the minimalism of this shot. For more shots, see here.

Hope you've all recovered from the Christmas dinner overeating! We finished the fruit salad this morning, so the Christmas sweets and the shortbread are the only examples of the Christmas food left.

Christmas sweets in our family started when gran made too much marzipan for the cake and made a few sweets with it. They went down very well, and over the years it blossomed into a cottage industry for eating by the family, and gifts to wider family, friends and neighbours. It has now significantly contracted, but we couldn't do without! This year's sweets include potatoes (marzipan rolled in cinnamon), marzipan cherries (marzipan between two halves of a glacé cherry), chocolate truffles, lemon truffles, chocolate mints (smashed up glacier mints in chocolate), chocolate ginger (crystallised ginger in choc), and mum's famous Turkish delight. Yum!

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