With One Eye Wide Open


Nature's Pool

Today was very interesting and I have to say challenged my driving skills!

To get to this small waterfall (it was only a trickle hence I didn't bother taking a photo of it so you get the a shot of the pool), we had to do some off road driving and good thing I was using the work ute instead of my matchbox of a car. Unfortunately, the tires are just about ending it's service life so I had to expertly maneuver the car without skidding too badly (and it's not a 4WD either), otherwise we would have ended up either in a ditch or down the cliff. My heart was up in my throat the entire time! The sun was shining though so thank goodness the road wasn't wet! Lol.

On our way back to Brisbane, we ran into a hail storm while we were in a 100 km zone and had to pull over in fear of my windscreen getting smashed and waited until it passed! I've never experienced driving in a hail storm before! OMG! Once again, my heart almost jumped out of me fortunately it only lasted a couple or so mins so went back onto the road. I swear either the storm was after us or we were just on it's tail as a few mins later, it started pouring so bad that I could barely see anything infront of me! So yea, pulled over to the side of the road again and tried to enjoy the almost zero vis view. My heart definitely had a most strenuous workout today so cardio exercise out for this week! Lol.

Got home safely thank heavens! The car? Uhm...... hmmmm...... guess I have to check tomorrow. :)

Mount Barney National Park is an amazing place. The view was spectacular but I decided to just scout the area and not take too many photos. I plan to go back by myself so I can take as long as I want with shooting the scenery. Hopefully i'll get to do that soon and not when there's a storm coming!

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