Red Squirrel


More Fun(gi) at Foxley

After my highly enjoyable and productive 'shroom hunt in Foxley Wood on 28th November, I promised myself another run out there whilst off over Christmas.
Today's been mild and clear here, the ideal weather for it, so I took myself off there this afternoon.
There was no sign of my prize find from last time - the gorgeous woodsman at work - but as it's a bank holiday I didn't expect to see him there!
I found some of the brackets which I blipped and put links to on my last visit, still looking quite healthy. Not a single Amanita Muscaria (Fly Agaric) to be found unfortunately, but since I blipped one last time I wasn't too disappointed by that.
I was very happy with this lovely rusty coloured bracket though, looking almost as if it's been toasted.
One thing I'd promised myself whilst there was to find the location of one of Foxley's wonderful bluebell glades, complete with the skeletal remains of an old gypsy caravan, where my husband and I used to sit on a log, surrounded by bluebells. It had been a few years since we were last there, and when I went for the blubells this spring I couldn't locate the glade in question, though I knew where it should be. Today I found it again, hurrah! The old caravan is now VERY sad looking, as you can see here. , but at least I now know exactly where it is so can go and sit there next bluebell season when I visit again.
Other 'shrooms I found were:
* some very worse for wear looking Chanterelles
* Some more, "untoasted" versions of the one I've blipped today
* One of the Ganoderma aplanatum which looks not just like a hoof, but more like a hoof complete with fetlock!
* Lastly this beautiful spread of deep brown, velvety brackets edged with white.
Apart from the Chanterelles and Ganoderma I've no idea what the others are exactly but in the famous words of Rhett Butler in Gone With the Wind - "I don't give a damn!"

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