Pugs, horse, baby and me!

By Puggirl

Dyson and Sophie!

Hi everyone

So I did it, with my christmas money I went and bought a Dyson city. After having a rubbish hoover for the last four years I feel like I am in heaven! I did the whole cottage (ok so it only took about 15 mins!) but I was smiling the whole time! I think I am officially old and sad now! Oh well :p

Today has been a "put all the presents away day" and as my cottage is already full it was a hard task.

I also bought Esmé a "Sophie" as pictured. Everyone has one and I promised her I would get her one they are good for teething and very very cute, but we have a problem....Sophie squeeks, so the pugs also want her!!! They have been around for 50 years but I have never heard of a Sophie until recently.

Hope the holidays are not going too fast for my working friends :(

Lots of love

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