All that is beautiful

By sharob

End of an era ...

I bought this for Clara's 2nd Christmas. It hasn't been played with much over the years. She loves playing with play food and making picnics but she doesn't care for the toy kitchen - much prefers the real kitchen! Storm doesn't enjoy sitting still to play anything, she likes pushing pushchairs and ride on toys so I'm making space by selling off some of their old toys .. We've upgraded out mobile phones - upgraded the model and downgraded the monthly cost, all the money will go toward a lovely big wooden climbing frame for the garden, money much better spent I think! :)

Mr G wanted to visit his friends today, I didn't. I don't like visiting people and I don't like people visiting. I prefer my own company, I prefer playing with my children. There is nothing wrong with me, I just don't like the discomfort and chaos which comes with visitors ... Is that bad of me? I've always been this way even before children. Anyhow, we went, Storm clung to me the whole time - doesn't matter where we go, she clings. So it wasn't an enjoyable time at all. We all ate, I left, and Mr G has gone back for the evening.

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