
...the ice

do you remember those days? when you were small - hesitant to step out on the ice... would it hold you... might it crack... was it really frozen solid through...

i always wondered how long it takes for the lake to totally freeze... when does it get to the point where you can walk on it - without falling in - when is it safe... actually - i still wonder today!

seeing this duck stretch out his little webbed foot... reminded me of those days and the caution that should be taken... of course, i don't think that applies to ducks and the geese - they all fly and take off and land regardless of the water being frozen or not... and it sure causes some comical episodes when they forget they're landing on ice or snow and go slip sliding across it... maybe not fun for them - but i can't help but giggle... laughter is good - it makes for...


happy day.....

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