In Between Days

By jase


My mum called round this morning and the first thing she did was ask me if I was back at work tomorrow. My initial thought was to say no but then I realised I'd got my days mixed up and didn't have the extra day I thought I had. So back to work tomorrow. Oh well, should be nice and quiet.

Took a walk into town to pick up a few supplies. Washed and oiled one of my bikes, got caught up with my blips and played Kirby with Louis. That's about it really. Alana came back pretty late and seems to have had a nice time with her cousins. Hopefully Christmas will continue for the kids!

The picture is of a troll or something very similar. It's a bad guy from Louis' wooden castle. You wouldn't want to meet him down a dark alley. Actually you wouldn't want to meet him full stop!

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