Covered in Bees

By PaulFS


This is part of a glittery Christmas Tree that once lit up but has since died an electrical death.

But unlike a discarded bulb that has but one life, this beautiful golden tree that flakes golden paint yearly, like it's real pine cousin sheds needles, is still found atop the old crackly Sony speaker, proudly stood, celebrating Christmas, but desperately wishing to be a real tree.

The golden tree watches every year as the real tree, with it's real smell, and it's real mess, is brought into the lounge, resplendant in lights and glittering decorations. And as Christmas ends, as the real tree is taken outdoors...

~What *are* you on about?

~It's a Seasonal Story!!! Don't interrupt! Right now people are reading this out to their children, in front of a roaring fire while petting cats.

~So it's not an emergency blip that's so bad, you've concocted a desperate write up to try and detract from the awful blip? You didn't just snap what you could, crop it to death, and call it good?'ve ruined that story now

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