
By HarryJ


Met a friend for a bit of a photowalk today on the boardwalks at Steveston'
Breezy, blowy, and just a tad on the cool side but the walk along the docks was just the job after 3 or 4 days of Christmas revelry

If you like fish and chips then you'll be spoilt for choice. Almost every restaurant stakes it's claim as "the best", and to be fair, they're all good.

Being strong willed, I, of course, resisted the temptation. But I might not next time

According to Wiki ...
"Today, Steveston still maintains the character of a quaint, historic fishing village, with over 600 fishing boats--Canada's largest fleet--calling Steveston Harbour home. Over the years, due to its still active fishing fleet, historic buildings, and National Historic Site, The Gulf of Georgia Cannery, Steveston is still very much a small fishing village, though changing quickly. It boasts over 350 businesses and services to accommodate its growing population. Steveston has become a popular place to visit and live. On sunny days, visitors flock to Steveston's waterfront boardwalks to enjoy the scenery, people and food.

Recently, Steveston has also become known as "The Gateway to the Orca," referring to the very active whale watching industry calling Steveston Harbour home. Shuttling boatloads of tourists and locals out to the Gulf of Georgia to observe orca (killer whales), seals, eagles and more."

I hope you read all the way to here, there's gonna be a test

Ah well. Until tomorrow....

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