Hope for Emergencies

By eeyikes

The Plane! The Plane!

Today I had to get up and move all my stuff into my parents' house to celebrate Christmas (since my brother couldn't be here on Christmas day). I knew I'd be happy once I arrived, but when it's hard to get out of bed, it's even harder to get up, pack all your stuff, take out the trash, drive 30 minutes...

When I finally managed it, I got a call from my brother, informing me that my uncle (a former fighter jet pilot) and cousin were going to surprise us with a visit, and there might be a chance for me to ride in the plane my uncle built! Unfortunately, when we finally met up with them, there was far too much traffic for us to pop up and fly around for fun (and do the barrel rolls I was promised). But I got to see the plane! And sit in it! It's much comfier than it looks from the outside. We got some sandwiches for lunch and had a great time talking and laughing, then they hopped back in the plane and flew back to Alabama - this is just before they taxied away to take off. I also got some pictures of myself in the plane, but since I didn't take them myself, I figured they weren't *technically* blippable ;)

Today is the best day I've had since the 8th of the month. Aside from getting to hang out at a small local airport and watch my uncle fly, I spent the rest of the day helping my brother with last-minute Christmas shopping for his girlfriend. My feet are sore now, but we had a really great time. Then we met my parents at the AT&T store, all excited to renew our contract and get new phones...but the iPhone 4S was out of stock. BOOOOO! Now I have to wait for it to ship. Mildly frustrating, but on the other hand, it'll be like Christmas all over again when it comes!

As you can probably tell, I'm feeling loads better today, mostly because I got a chance to talk to my brother. I don't know what I'd do without that kid; he's good people. But I promised him I'd help wrap gifts downstairs, so I should get going! Merry Fake Christmas Eve!

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