Homespun Charms

By MaryMouse


For some reason the squirrels stopped coming into the garden over a year ago. They have just re-appeared and are as cheeky as ever. This chap is managing to get in the little box under the table to steal porridge oats that we put in for the birds. Bracken is very tolerant and unphased by most other creatures but if she gets to know there's a squirrel in the vicinity it would be a different story!
Our lunch party yesterday was very pleasant. I basically left the adults to their own devices and enjoyed having a 5 and 3 year old to play with. I was a bit naughty and the Daddy wasn't impressed by my pulling faces with the children who he was trying to chastise. A few drinks later I was escorted home and that I'm afraid was the end of the day for me!
Out tonight, I shall stick to fizzy water.

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