an image of teamdel

By teamdel

Little Blacksmith Doors

After a considerable amount of rest and by my standards a massive amount of sleep the world felt like a nicer place today. The pain has subsided dramatically and though my face is still very wonky I am confident that soon it will be back to its only a bit wonky self.

I have been trying to take it easy today as last time I had a very similar occurence the recovery took a number of days. That said I am feeling very good and so it looks like we will soon be relieving the cat sitters.

We popped out for a little wander up the road earlier and though girl did not want her picture taken by the gates to the blacksmiths. The little ones have been quite manic today but nothing too bad. Girl took quite some time to find her volume control this morning which meant once she was up there was no hiding. Boy also is still demanding mass banana intake at wake up time which led to bananas in bed for myself and both little ones this morning.

His obsession with bananas seems to know no bounds at the moment. I never thought, as happened other night, I would be told by Wife "We must take a couple of bananas to bed with us tonight."

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