All things Blipable....

By Tina

Sunset over the M5

hospital appointment for this afternoon was cancelled about half an hour before we left to go & see my sister ..
a bit annoying but i wasnt the only person who had been miss booked into a rather non appointment slot!

Anyway.. sorted a new appt out *26th Jan, and then we headed off to see my Sister & brother in law for a few hours..*clipping a low flying Pheasant with the car,on the way there... and a low lying dead branch in the road on the way home.....!!!
It was really Great to see them, and we were made VERY welcome..

We spent a few hours chatting and then Ste & I went on to Street Clarkes village..
sadly i lost the will to live whilst there..I REALLY DONT DO SALES!

its persisting heavily here..


anyone know what time its due in the UK??

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