2011 photo resolution

By karenanya

Winter colours

Now that the carpet has been fitted, we have a long list of jobs to be completed so that we can get the downstairs rooms ready for Christmas. Another trip to B&Q with more money spent. Christmas tree selected and put in the garage ready for the return of son number one later this week. We then spent the day putting up curtain rails and poles, hanging the ironed and newly washed (but old) curtains and replacing shelves.

We did three trips with both cars to the self storage unit to bring back most of the furniture. Hard work that lasted until 9 pm. Stopped for chips on the way home from the last load.

Still no Christmas shopping done or cards written.

I spotted this hydrangea with faded winter colours as I nipped up to the local garage to buy the lottery tickets for our work syndicate. That was another entry on our long list of jobs to do.

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