Red Flash

By RedFlash

On to the next one

We've started the next jigsaw puzzle and as I don't like it I'm not going to share it with you.

It is of Portmeirion in Wales and it has a blue sky and blue water with some colours in the middle. I'll be good at the tedious bit at the end, when all you have to go by is the shape.

I didn't feel very well yesterday so I slept all morning and spent the rest of the day playing catchup.

My sister, husband and son were due for dinner so I've tidied the house while still in my pjs and then showered afterwards once all was neat and tidy.

The problem of a blip was playing on my mind, so when I went to collect my daughter from work I took a few snaps with the iPhone. They were all appalling but I've chosen this one as it is somewhere that I am very fond of.

I'm of an age where all sweet shops had sweets in jars and you bought them by the quarter - 4 ozs (113.4g). I used to drive my mum crazy because I only had a few pennies, equivalent to zero in new money to spend, but I used to take ages to choose.

This sweet shop sells everything. I go in usually once a week and buy 100g (we've moved on to metric now) for the week ahead. I tend to get giddy as I walk across London to work and the one sweet sugar burst is enough to keep me going.

You can buy sweets from this shop on line. I can highly recommend it.

What was your favourite as a child? Mine were cola cubes and pineapple chunks.

Ps with so many people helping with the jigsaw - thanks sis and bro, it is taking shape nicely

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