only the best

As well as trying to pick pictures that I'm happy with I'm trying to consider ones which the boy will be happy to have had posted on the internet by the time he notices their presence, therefore it's generally whole expressions rather than transitory faces (as well as focussed shots rather than blurry fleeting things (unless that's all I have or it's a particularly keepable face)) which get kept and processed and posted.

Eventually I'll catch up with posting all the appropriate video clips to an appropriate online video-clip-posting-facilityto which fambly have access.

Eventually eventually I'll get round to uploading spares (from days when I've a posted a picture of him) and alternatives featuring him (for days when the wasn't posted) to the blip account registered for that purpose.

Eventually eventually eventually I'll get round to working out the correct dates and times of the sound clips recorded on my MP3 player (whose date/time settings went awry some time ago) of his sleeptime babblings and uploading them to an audio clip uploading facility.

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