In Between Days

By jase

Move Along

Before you say great macro shot I should point out that it's the biggest Lego figure ever. Actually it's my new Christmas present alarm clock. You hit his head to snooze. Would be cool if you just waved your hand like Obi Wan does.

Spent a good part of the day clearing my old desk and lumping boxes around. Well at least I have my big monitor back. The downside is I brought along lots annoying rubbish too which I can't seem to get rid of. I need a proper clearout.

Alana has discovered Face Time and messaging on her iPod Touch. She spent hours chatting to her friend this evening. She was a little nervous at first but soon got into showing her friend various objects around the house, singing, telling jokes and basically talking nonsense. This could be the start of something or it could fizzle out quite quickly. Not sure which is best! What amazes me is how unamazed they are by the technology. Sign of the times.

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