The Story so Far

By IrisJuno

The Nappy Stash!

Who knew that you could be addicted to nappies!?!?

Amilia-Grace has had a cloth bum pretty much since she was born! It has become one of my biggest obsessions! I can't pass a pretty nappy and not have it! I have custom made nappies winging their way to me and even a BEAUTIFUL tartan ruffle bum on its way!!!! (Ruffle bum: like the frilly knickers but on a nappy!!!!)

I have become obsessed with anything cloth nappy related especially if it has an owl on it!

Everyone says to me they don't know how I can do the whole cloth nappy, touching poop, washing thing but if I'm honest really and truthfully it is no harder than disposable nappies or "yucky nappies" as Kyle now calls them!

My friends now call me "The Earth Mother"

Kyle's Quote of the day "Mum my first victim was Uncle, my next victim is The Grinch and then after that my next victim will be The Mask"!!!! bizzare conversation!!!

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