All you need is


I know I am lucky, because I have lovely friends who let me take photos of them so that I can develop my portfolio and have an opprtunity to tinker around with processing.

Of course, they can have all of the photos.

You've met Michelle before - she's here with her partner, Marcel. Baby is due in 3 weeks and the two of them are so chilled it's astounding. Everything is ready, they are level headed, realistic and they know what's coming.

The best bit for me - that Michelle has been so willing to let me, and other friends, be 'hands on' - which is a bit of a revelation, as I was freaked out by people wanting to touch my belly when I was pregnant (although that was something to do with a random old lady just coming up to me in a shopping centre and putting hands on without permission!).

It's been a real priviledge to watch the belly grow and to reflect on what an amazing and miraculous thing that it is that we can create life and grow it inside us like this. Made all the more amazing because it isn't something that we can all take for granted.

So, to you two, I wish you well for the next three weeks and I WILL do a little victory dance if I am right, even though I know it will be pure luck if I am. Thank you so much for the brews, the chat and for allowing me into your home to take photos of you - that you trust me to do them for you is an honour and I hope that when you get the final set, you'll be happy with them.

You're going to be fab parents, just remember when to say "Yes" and when to say "No".

xx Hebs xx

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