Cornish Times

By David1970

It's a somewhat odd time to start a journal; right at the end of a year and on the cusp of a new one but, here I am. I wasn't sure what to write about so I've chosen one of the many highlights of 2011 to begin my journal. It's a picture of myself with to other illustrious members of the 32nd Regt of Foot, Trevor Jones and Tiny Castle on the Arapiles Heights on the Battlefield of Salamanca in Spain, somewhere where I'm sure to visit again in 2012. A great photo, and what a view! It was taken just as the Sun was beginning to disappear and the light was just perfect. Incidentally, I don't think we look that bad considering we were about a third into a 36hr (or was 42hr) coach journey back from Albuera in southern Spain having been there to commemorate the anniversary of the battle there in 1811. Great times. Anyway, one of the many highlights. I could have chosen others; Liverpool v Everton at Anfield back in January, Waterloo, the Jane Austen Festival in Bath and that wonderful Paul McCartney gig in Liverpool this month, a great way to begin Christmas.

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