where paths meet

By WherePathsMeet

By a footbridge

Vegetation growing at the edge of steps to a footbridge over the Doe lea in the local Carr Vale reserve. The droplets confirm that it was raining again. Far more rain in December than I think in any other month of the year - very welcome in this part of the world.


A tribute to "Auntie Ruby"..... The morning brought news of the death of a dear family friend. Ruby, and her late husband Bill, had a robust Christian faith and a practical outlook on life. They did a lot to introduce me and my brothers to the enjoyment of the countryside and walking, especially in the Lake district which was in easy reach for days out. There are so many special memories at this time. It is a joy to think of her entrance into the presence of her Saviour in the fulfilment of the core foundation of her life and the assurance of the truths of the promises of God's word.


For Ruby, death has simply been like crossing a footbridge from earth to heaven - from a good place to somewhere far better still. We might not see clearly, but God's Word is solid and certain to the eyes of faith.

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