The Year Starts Now

By PamelaEvans

2011 - What an Adventure

What does 2011 mean to you?

To me and the people in my life it's meant many a thing.

Some have come together
Some have grown apart
Some have realised what they thought was there was actually a smoke screen
Some have found Love
While others have suffered the heart wrenching pain of losing love
Dreams have been reached
Triumphs achieved
Against all odds a miracle which many had written off of ever happening occurred
We did deeds of good to help the less fortunate
There were too many laughs and adventures to name along the way
New friendships were found

All in all 2011 has been one of my favourite years.
Had you asked me that in Q1 you would have received a very different answer but that's life it can turn around completely quickly

As we approach the New Year - 2012! I look forward with intrepid anticipation of the unknown of what may or may not happen, one things for sure I'll have a smile on my face thanks to the wonderful people in my life.

Happy Hogmanay and in the words of a dear old friend Slanj

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