
By LeeAnne

Several swans a swimming...

Well we got up early well earlyish for a day off work... made it up to Blackford Hill in time to see Marchmont but we'd missed Molly and the rest of the Blippers by a few minutes. Doh!

However, all is not lost because I've not been to the top of Blackford Hill before and Sarah was very impressed with the view, so was I and so was my camera. Took a load of photos before walking back down to the car and home for some lunch. Then we bought some bread and thought we'd go feed the ducks. Don't think the ducks got much of a look in with all the swans in the way. We did laugh a lot though, at someone else's expense. A lady came over with her bag of bread and she'd obviously spent some time breaking it up into little pieces and the wind caught the bag and the whole lot emptied onto the ground where the pigeons and seagulls had a field day. We tried to be discreet with our giggling when she went into the empty bag to feed the swans some of her bread.

After that we went to the panto at the Kings. It was great, I love the panto! He's behiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind you!! Allan Stewart and Grant Stott are both brilliant. Made us laugh that it was in McSquirrel Manor with Baroness McSquirrel! Not the traditional Cinderella story but near enough.

So now we're home, about to make dinner with the vague plan that we'd go up to Craiglockhart to watch the fireworks. We're in our PJs though, so I suspect if anything I'll be setting up my tripod in the living room and opening the window at midnight! Lazy barstewards! It's pissing down and blowing a gale though so we're not caring!!

All that's left is to wish my family and friends and of course my fellow Blippers a very Happy New Year and all the best for the coming year. Enjoy!


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