As She Sees It

By AsSheSeesIt


or Cackling Goose as they are officially called. They are the smaller less honky cousin of the Canadian goose.

Went to the Ridgefield Wildlife Refuge today and saw a few birds. This little guy (or gal) was laying in the grass along side the road and did not seem to be too concerned by the cars going by.

I got a fabulous picture of a Great Blue Heron, but those are not as uncommon as this little guy; at least in an up close capture.

Tomorrow is New Years Day and I am going to be out at Kelly Point Park with my dad at 11:00 am to watch some folks from the Audubon release a rehabilitated red tail hawk back into the wild. I am hoping to get a couple interesting pictures.

So off we go into another year. May it be a fabulous adventure to all!

Happy Blipping.

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