Scoots, Shoots & Leaves

By TerriG

One book closes, another one opens

I've been using We'Moon date books for many years now. They are filled with women's art, poetry and prose, astrological information, phases of the moon, information about Pagan Holy Days and so much more. I first encountered We'Moon when I was awakening to my Pagan roots and exploring my connection to women's and earth-based spirituality. It's been a touchstone for me for over 20 years.

From the 30th edition:
We'Moon was inspired by the rising tide of women's liberation in the emerging people's movements of the 1960s and 70s, and came to fruition in the 1980s with the creative expression of women's empowerment and earth-based spirituality. Since 1981, when the first We'Moon was published in Europe under the name Mother Tongue Ink ... this little handbook in natural rhythm has steadily expanded. It has remained at the center of a growing movement, a unique vehicle for the expression of women's creativity, celebrating eco-feminism, earth-based spirituality, and global women's culture over the past thirty years.

Mother Tongue Ink has been based in southern Oregon for a number of years now, so I feel an extra kinship with the women of We'Moon (in addition to knowing some of the staff and frequent contributors).

My sister Nancy and I used to buy each other a We'Moon calendar each year for Christmas/Solstice. Before we exchanged them, we would write little bits in each other's calendars on special dates, or comment on a particular photo or poem. It was a special way to connect with each other throughout the year. I miss that. Perhaps it's time to revisit that sweet tradition.

Find We'Moon online at to learn more about their history and see some of the incredible art they include in their calendars.

Wishing a safe and healthy new year's celebration to all, and a peaceful 2012.

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