Blank Windows

Over the last year I have posted a few blips which seem to have caused a bit of a furore amongst fellow blippers, and I have to say I have been somewhat hounded.

It all started with this back in July when many people wanted to know who my friend was and where she lived. Of course I couldn't possibly divulge this information.

More harassment came over the following months with this and this and this to name but a few.

Now you can't blame me from trying to hide my source of good blips, but enough is enough! I'm going greyer each day and my wine cellar is nearly depleted with all the hassle! I'm not going to name the culprits constantly pleading for my source, but they will know who they are.....

However, as it is a New Year, this morning (cold and damp note) I trundled off to Knaresborough, a very old historic market town not far from Harrogate in North Yorkshire....

The town has lots of very old buildings with what are called 'blank windows', a feature of houses built in the Georgian period. The windows were either blocked up to avoid the 'window tax' imposed at the time or part of the building design to give symmetry.

Today these 'blank windows' are very much like 'blank canvases'!

So there you go, all part of the Town Window Project and I have enjoyed it all. Hopefully there will be more to come.

Worth a visit, the town is small, quirky, not posh, good cafes and there's always Mother Sipton's Cave!

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