family smith

By familysmith

i got a new phone recently (which i love) but while i was upgrading the girl at the call centre kept going on about this deal where i could get speakers for the phone for just £10.00. i said i wasn't interested but she kept saying that the speakers where worth £30.00 and if i didn't want them i could sell them and make £20.00. eventually she talked me into it, how could i lose?

i got my phone bill the other day - £72!! i had been charged £30 for the bloody speakers (which i haven't even taken out of the box) so i called up...

first guy looked into "my file" and told me that i had been informed they were £30, as far as he could see. i asked if he was calling me a liar, he said that they only had my word that the girl had told me they were a tenner. i got a bit annoyed and he hung up (i didn't swear).

called right back and got a different guy and we went through the same thing, then he put me on hold. i hung up after 10 minutes (i didn't swear, ok maybe a bit).

left a few hours then called back, got a girl who was the most unhelpful person i have ever spoken to in my life. at the beginning of the call she asked if she could call me sam but she used my name so often, in such an annoying manner i had to ask her not to use my name after a while as it was annoying me.

we ended up shouting at each other and me holding the phone away from my ear and singing. we had a heated debate about the nature of shouting and wether i was shouting or not, for about 5 minutes.

i eventually asked to talk to a supervisor and she went of for a few minutes. when she came back she told me she had talked to her manager and they were going to give me £20 back.

"i didn't ask for that, i want to return them and get all my money back"

"but now you can have them for £10..."

"i don't want them, i never did. if this had been sorted out the first time i called then i could have accepted that"

she was almost blubbing at this point, which was giving me great satisfaction. she started going on the defensive, saying she was going to terminate the call, so i asked to speak to the supervisor again. she asked why and i said that i wanted the situation resolved and i couldn't do that if she hung up on me.

"i never said i was going to hang up on you"

"yes you did, just now"

"i didn't you must have misheard me. so you see you might have misheard the person who sold you the speakers"

i think i may have swore at this point, anyway the girl went off and got her supervisor who tried to say that because i took delivery of the speakers over 14 days ago that i couldn't return them!!

"but i only got the bill for them today and discovered that i had been lied to by your company. then i call up to get it sorted out and three different people call me a liar, so i want this whole thing investigated. i will be applying for copies of all these recording under the data protection act and i will be contacting a solicitor about this matter."


"emmm, i think what i'm going to do is just refund the money for the speakers and you don't have to send them back, you can keep them as a goodwill gesture"

"thankyou for your help"

i think the speaker look like its sticking it's tongue out, AT T-MOBILE...

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