With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


Happy New Year everyone!

AKHF and mv went to a drinks party so Little Agu and I caught a taxi down to Lark Lane for a snoop at the old haunts and then we played in the Seffy Park, talked to the squirrels, warmed up in the Palm House, ducked under the seagulls over the lake, warmed up again with a takeaway coffee and muffin at the Lakeside cafe and then walked all the way back. Just reminding myself of the architecture and smells of the City brought a lot of happy memories back. What a cracking city this is.

No thanks to Mrs Thatcher of course. She still manages to make my blood boil. We all knew here in the Pool that she was taking us for a ride at the time, but now it has all been exposed. Someone put a link in for me here, please!

Anyway, the chill air put those thoughts out of my head soon enough, and we returned for some more lamb and fainting delights. Another evening awaits, with the promise of scented meringues AKHF tells me. I'm going to have to do a fair bit more walking to get these festive calories off. Meanwhile, bring it on!

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